Convert any Image into ASCII Art for a Custom Spring Boot Banner

Matrix ASCII Art with Trinity, Neo and Morpheus

If you’d like to override the standard Spring Boot banner with something custom, then you’ve come to the right place. Find any image you want to convert to ASCII art. Then, download the following Git Hub projectĀ  Now, you can run a script like the following: You’ll see something…

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Sending Email via Gmail with 2-Step Authentication from AngularJS Frontend to Spring Boot Backend

Sending Email via Gmail with 2-Step Authentication from AngularJS Frontend to Spring Boot Backend

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to configure Spring Boot to set up a REST Controller to send emails via Gmail. Plus, if you have 2-Step Authentication set up, which you should if you don’t, then I’ll take you through a couple extra steps. Then, I’ll show you how…

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Spring Boot, Spring Data REST and Query Parameters

I have Spring Data REST repository that takes query parameters. It uses a PagingAndSortingRepository and looks like this: [code language=”java”] @RepositoryRestResource @CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:8000") public interface IRestaurantRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Restaurant, Long> { public Page<Restaurant> findByNameContaining(String name, Pageable pageable); } [/code] You would get an error if you were to execute the…

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