Handling Multiple Date Formats with One Method via Joda Time

Handling Multiple Date Formats with One Method via Joda Time

Nearly any project that amounts to anything must handle the processing of Dates, Times, and Timestamps. When it comes to Java projects, I see time and time again that developers just insert date formatters anywhere and everywhere. This violates the concept of modularity and making a segment of code do…

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Using Bootstrap’s Navigation Bar

Phone collapsed Bootstrap navigation bar

Using Bootstrap’s Navigation Bar (or navigation header) allows you to provide a responsive way to navigate your web application with relative ease. It will automatically collapse depending on the size of the screen and number of items in navigation bar. here is an example below using AngularJS: [code language=”javascript”] <nav…

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Sending Email via Gmail with 2-Step Authentication from AngularJS Frontend to Spring Boot Backend

Sending Email via Gmail with 2-Step Authentication from AngularJS Frontend to Spring Boot Backend

In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to configure Spring Boot to set up a REST Controller to send emails via Gmail. Plus, if you have 2-Step Authentication set up, which you should if you don’t, then I’ll take you through a couple extra steps. Then, I’ll show you how…

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Indexing of Sitemap for AngularJS Site Increasing

Googlebot able to successfully index hash bang URLs from sitemap.xml for AngularJS with HTML5mode turned on.

Previously, I posted 2018 Search Engine Optimization with AngularJS 1.x Single Page Application. In that post, I highlighted how to use HTML5 Mode in an AngularJS app to get the hash bang URLs to redirect to URLs that are more friendly for web crawlers like Googlebot. Prior to this change, I…

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Use SSH Key Exchange with BitBucket instead of HTTPS

By default, my BitBucket Git repository uses the HTTPS URL instead of the SSH. As a result, I get prompted for my password every time I push code to my BitBucket Git repository. [code language=”bash”] $ git push Password for ‘https://<repo_owner>@bitbucket.org’: [/code] You should see your BitBucket account username in place…

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Code Analysis with Java and AngularJS Project via SonarQube

Code Analysis with Java and AngularJS Project via SonarQube

Many Java based projects are shifting away from more traditional Java based frontend technologies, such as JSP, JSF, and GWT. Today, they are moving to Single Page Application technologies like AngularJS. This leaves Java as the language for the backend. As a result, you will likely experience a project using…

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2018 Search Engine Optimization with AngularJS 1.x Single Page Application

Search engine optimization with single page applications

Creating a Single Page Application (SPA) comes with many modern advantages to a traditional web site that can improve the user experience. These advantages include faster user experiences typically due to not having to reload the entire application in order to display changes in the content. This leads to an…

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Spring Boot, Spring Data REST and Query Parameters

I have Spring Data REST repository that takes query parameters. It uses a PagingAndSortingRepository and looks like this: [code language=”java”] @RepositoryRestResource @CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:8000") public interface IRestaurantRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Restaurant, Long> { public Page<Restaurant> findByNameContaining(String name, Pageable pageable); } [/code] You would get an error if you were to execute the…

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