Convert any Image into ASCII Art for a Custom Spring Boot Banner

Matrix ASCII Art with Trinity, Neo and Morpheus

If you’d like to override the standard Spring Boot banner with something custom, then you’ve come to the right place. Find any image you want to convert to ASCII art. Then, download the following Git Hub project  Now, you can run a script like the following: You’ll see something…

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Using AWS CloudFormation to Deploy a WebSite with AWS S3 and AWS CloudFront

This will use AWS CloudFormation (ie, Infrastructure as Code) to create an S3 Bucket with a good bucket policy and CORS configuration. Also, it will setup the CloudFront distribution to point at this S3 Bucket. Lastly, it will create an AWS Route 53 record set for the website. You will…

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AWS DLM LifeCycle Policy for Creating Snapshots for EBS Volumes on an EC2 Instance

It seems AWS CloudFormation does not readily support creating EBS Volume Snapshots via BlockDeviceMappings‘s EBS property. Luckily there is an alternative approach that allows you to setup a DLM LifeCycle Policy which scans for EC2 Instance Tags (apparently there is also no support to really tag the Volumes directly via CloudFormation that…

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JUnit Hamcrest: Matching a Group of Map Properties from Any Map within a List

Let’s say that you have an ArrayList of LinkedHashMaps. Let’s further say that you would like to find any Map within that List, which contains a set of Properties. Here is how you can write a Unit Test with Hamcrest Matchers to do this: Here we can see that we…

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Handling Multiple Date Formats with One Method via Joda Time

Handling Multiple Date Formats with One Method via Joda Time

Nearly any project that amounts to anything must handle the processing of Dates, Times, and Timestamps. When it comes to Java projects, I see time and time again that developers just insert date formatters anywhere and everywhere. This violates the concept of modularity and making a segment of code do…

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Using Bootstrap’s Navigation Bar

Phone collapsed Bootstrap navigation bar

Using Bootstrap’s Navigation Bar (or navigation header) allows you to provide a responsive way to navigate your web application with relative ease. It will automatically collapse depending on the size of the screen and number of items in navigation bar. here is an example below using AngularJS: [code language=”javascript”] <nav…

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